Sunday, April 29, 2012

AsiaPrince_JKS twitter (*Summary about what happened to him and made him tweet storm yesterday 29-04-12)

He met an accident approximately around 5am in the morning, while rushing to Seoul for Love Rain filming. The front wheel of the car was damaged badly. If not because of the railing, the car might have been fallen off the cliff. But luckily, the person who was driving (MJ) managed to stop the car. The accident happen because of tiredness, his managers didn’t have any sleep and worked overtime together with Actor Jang. He wasn’t injured badly, but he’s in pain due to the wounds. But he still continued Love Rain filming after that, of course after a simple medical check up. He thought the serious consequence for not going to the filming set, so he chose to continue the filming today. The team were worried if Actor Jang would stop the filming because of tiring schedule and now the accident.


2012.04.29 13:27
Asia Prince only lives twice.. What a pity, Do-S (Super S). But who am i and where is this…? -_-
아시아프린스 두 번 산다 がわいそうなドエス 근데..난 누군가 또 여긴 어딘가.. オレはだれか?ごこはど_こか?-_-

2012.04.29 13:36
Well, I can only live on by eating.. Hungry -_- I can’t help being hungry! lol.
그 와중에 먹고 살겠다며.. 배고파-_- おなかすいたことはしょがない!笑

2012.04.29 14:12
MJ’s brighter days..
MJ 의 밝았던 시절..

2012.04.29 14:41
Such a bright/happy person…
참 밝은 사람이었는데…

2012.04.29 15:16
MJ is shringking to nothing. It’s okay brother.. You know, we have insurance………………………. Ah….. We have a loan, too ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
한없이 작아진 MJ. 괜찮아 형..우리에겐 보험이있잖아………………………………..아……..할증도 있구나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2012.04.29 15:29
Stop… Lifetime contract is not always bad.. ^^^^^^^^^
그만 작아져..형….. 종신계약이 나쁜것만은 아니자나..^^^^^^^^^

2012.04.29 15:37
MJ with friends..
친구가 생긴 MJ..

2012.04.29 15:42
MJ that is giving me energy drink.
피로회복제 건네주는 MJ

2012.04.29 15:51
There was a time, when MJ slept in front of me..
한 때 내 앞에서 잘도 자던 MJ..

2012.04.29 16:03
Now you can’t go back to the past, MJ..
이제는 돌아갈 수 없는 과거의 MJ..

2012.04.29 16:21
MJ was eager to block UV..
자외선까지 차단하며 열심이던 MJ..

2012.04.29 16:28
Do S is going to hospital
병원가는 ドーS ㅠㅠ

2012.04.29 16:31
You’re in love/flirting ? M….J…….
혹시 연애질중인가…M….J……….

2012.04.29 16:38
Gun-chan who is complaining about the pain.
고통을 호소하는 근짱~~~

source:JKS / Tree-J
English translation & summary: sa_sha26

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